If you have an Active Registration...
- Log in to the website using your account credentials.
- In the Search field, enter your congregation name. If the results show a lot of churches that do not contain your church name, click "All Words" in the Search criteria.
- Click the title of your congregation to take you to the church profile page.
- At the top of the profile (if you are logged in), you will see an Edit button. Hover over the Edit button and click Update User Profile.
- Select any tab to make changes.
- Once changes are complete, click the Update button at the bottom of the form.
If you do not have an Active Registration, and your church is listed in our directory...
- Go to the Directories link in the main menu at the top of the page.
- Click Update an Existing Church Profile.
- Fill out the form.
- After submitting the form, you will be taken to a payment page. A payment of $29 is required to make updates to your church profile.
- Once your registration has been received and approved, you will receive an email with your new username and password.
- Once you receive your username and password, you may log in to the website and follow the instructions under "If you have an active registration.