The elders of the congregation that meets at Pond are very committed to our youth program. A few years ago we had only one or two children, but now our number is around 45+. We support missionaries in India [Brother Dean Cruthchfield], and Healing Hands International [Brother Roger Michaels]. We also support Potter's Childrens Home [Bowling Green,KY], and Disaster Relief [Nashville,TN]. At this time 28 October, 2004 we are in a pulpit minister transition. Brother Clarence DeLoach has agreed to work with us through this trasition period. If you are visiting in the Dickson, Tennessee area and are looking for a congregation to worship with, we would welcome you. If you are traveling Interstate 40 take exit number 172, following directions to Dickson. Counting the traffic light at the interstate proceed through seven lights to Henslee Drive/US70 West turn left and go about 2.5 miles to TN 46 North, turn right and go about 2 miles and the church building will be on the right. Contact numbers are Bobby Prosser [615] 446-5914, or Oscar Perez [615] 446-4814