The Grandview church supports works in:
-Nigeria (4 students in schools of preaching in Jos, Plateau State and Akwa Ibom State; 3 Nigerian Nationals in World Bible School Follow-up; other evangelist efforts there including sending our minister)
-Tanzania (sending our minister to teach in the Andrew Connlay School of Preaching and other evangelistic efforts there)
-South Africa (South Africa Bible College)
-India (International Gospel Teacher; Buildings without Walls)
-North Central Texas (Iron Springs Christian Camp in Whitney: Conducts a Summer Camp Week; Annual Spring "North Central Texas Preacher Retreat") (Host Congregation for Summer Youth Series)
-Preacher Training Schools: Bear Valley Bible Institute; Soutwest Biblical Studies
-Spanish Ministry, South Dallas, Albert Serna
-World Bible School in various countries
-Tracts by Owen Cosgrove to various countries
-Children's Homes (Cherokee Children's Home; Christ Haven Children's Home; Foster Children's Home; Food Program through David's Food Stores to each home)
-Locally: Weekly Newspaper Article and Yearly Fullpage; Grandview Nursing Home: Bi-Weekly Bible Class, Third Sunday Afternoon Devotional, Fifth Wednesday Song Service