Church of Christ at Marikina
- Leading people to Christ and membership in His family
- Developing them in spiritual maturity
- Equipping every member for a significant ministry
- Sending them to the mission field
Object of our existence:
- To restore New Testament Christianity, and the consequent union of all followers of Christ in one body.
- To exalt Christ above party and His word above human creeds.
- To build a church of Christ without denominational name, Man-written creed, or other barriers to Christian unity, whose terms of fellowship shall be as broad as the conditions of salvation and identical with them.
Thus we teach and plead for:
- Jesus' deity and humanity (John 1:1-14;20:28, Matthew 16:16)
- The bible as the only rule of faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- Christian as the only name of Christ's followers (Acts 11:26;26:28)
- Baptism as essential (Mark 16:15,16; Acts 2:38,41;16:32-34; Mark 1:5-10; John 3:23; Acts 8:38)
- Living the Christian life working as it all depended on us, trusting as all depended on Christ (Hebrew 12:1-2)