Bro.V.Balu is serving the lord since 1986. He obeyed the Gospel in 1984. And now, doing tremendous work of Lord in three different states in India. Trained many young people to be serve the Lord as Preachers and as Strong members of the local church.He known 5 local languages
Bro.V.Balu is a product of PT School in the direction of Bro.Ron Clayton. Bro.V.Balu is Indian Christians Marriage government Registrar. post graduated in Biblical degree and since 1986 he started working in his home town Bestawarapet. He started a congregation in Pitikayagulla Area in 1987. Since then he severely labored in Lord's ministry and now he is working with many congregations in and around AndhraPradesh State. And there are 7 sisterly associated congregations in which the members from the main church are Full-time preachers. This is a great achievement by Bro.Balu turning normal members to good preachers. Now, the main church at Ranipeta, Bestawarapet Area Church of Christ is active church involving different ways to propagate the true Doctrine. And this is the big congregation in this area. Another interesting works are running an Orphanage and free public KCMBI School with the help of Bro.Ron clayton and Sis.Karen Clayton.