thank you each and every one who made this website and who designed all this prem vinod son of bro. vijayanand garu who started this church of christ in srikakulam town very first time k i just want to tell about our church and believers.........yes god's son church is the only church which is very loveble to god and the prayer which are going in this church will be heared by god........... by his grace my father consructed an church and till noe lot of hindhus came n believed jesus as thier personnel saviour and they took bathism from father hands...........sir all we need is support from u if u pray for us its more than enough for us so please dont forget to pray for our church mean while we took bank loan on be half of my father for constructing church building............till now it became huge amount by adding interset also with that so please pray for that and if possible u people just come here and see how the worship is going..........and also my father constructed 6=5 more churchs in 5 different differnt villages and there he arranged 5 dedicated preachers..........there also in each church not less then 50 people are gethering for worship..........
now the time comes to share a few words about god in our church we started an prayer cell in which per day one preacher will handle it n he will pray for all problems written in prayer cell book ok this has been organized by me and we are going to pray for every wise youth awaken, ladies bible reading , house visitings,every friday fasting prayer like please pray for us make sure that you people are planning to come here and see how we are doing gospel work thank you
...............urs prem vinod