Chennai Church of Christ
14/1 Police Manickam street Ayanavaram ,
Chennai 60002 SOTH INDIA , INDIA
Telefax:00 91 44 26442604
Mobile 9444122535 Email : [email protected] or [email protected]
Then he said to his disciples: "The harvest truly is plentyful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37
Dear Brothers and Sisters , Bringing you a greetings in the Matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ, We wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year 2003, I am R.D.J. Roy Knight, Servant of Christ, I am and my family are serving Lords Church, CHURCH OF CHRIST. Lord has called me to serve him in INDIA (The heathen people). It is a well-known fact that my country India is full of idols and she promotes idol worship, blood sacrifice and all sorts of wicked activities. India is getting drowned in the ocean of wickedness, which is sins against God. The wages of Sin is death,
I have a great thirst to save my people from the Eternal death and to lead them to the Eternal Life in Jesus.
Because in India Less then 2.1 % are Christians , other 97.9 % are still in Darkness and day by day the 2.1% also is decreasing , because People haven