Our ministry has a goal to reach people for God all over the country.It is active and fast growing for the past few years. We do need much prayers and financial support, because our congregation is worshiping in a rental building which we paid for $4000 (dollars),we baptize at least 3 to 5 people every sunday
and we have very hard time to pay our worship place. Now, we're in a greatest trouble, for many times the owner claiming to get the building back from the Church. A fund raising to buy or build our own building. The Church of our Lord cannot be failed.
We also have so many young non educated children which we'd like to train, we are in need of a good elementary school for the christian community.
If you'll need much more informations, about our mission work in haiti, you're free to contact any local preacher or most specially these brothers: Jean robert
St. Hilaire in Delmas 43, Emmanuel Alexandre in Gonaives, Aspil Fleurant in Cap Haitian, Jean Elmera at Delmas 28-B, Wilner Prempin at 4th. Ave.Bolosse in Port-au-Prince, or any other preacher in Haiti.
We are very receptive here, we're looking forward to have many of you coming to visit us to see as witnesses.
We need people to come and preach with us here and spread the good News.
If you'd like to be in touch, please contact at the above e-mail adress or the l
or at my physical adress: Narcisse Caprice, Delmas 4 # 5, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
May God bless you in his ministry and keep up the good work.
Your Brother in Christ, Narcisse Caprice.